Island Ford’s Giving Plan: Hope Farm

The larger organization, The Mustard Seed Street Church, has been operating in Greater Victoria for more than 40 years. This organization provides Vancouver Island's largest Food Bank, a family centre, and a hospitality programs, on top of the work they do at Hope Farm Healing Centre.
By providing these services, Mustard Seed Street Church helps to fight hunger and restore faith in the working poor and those living in poverty. Each month, Mustard Seed Street Church helps an average of 5,000 people. 100 times more people than there are volunteers, but the 50 volunteers keep things running smoothly on a daily basis.
If you want to support the organization, it's as easy as buying coffee. Proceeds from sales go towards funding the Hope Farm Healing Centre. Mustard Seed Coffee is found found in Thrifty Foods locations in Duncan and the lower Vancouver Island. Or, you can find more ways to get involved with The Mustard Seed Street Church and their Ministries here.